Unit Test for Poll Creation

We will now add our first unit test for testing the create instruction. Add this within the describe function:

    it("test createPoll instruction", async () => {
        // Send transaction
        const txHash = await pg.program.methods
            // instuction name
            // add all accounts used by the instruction
                poll: newPoll.publicKey,
                user: pg.wallet.publicKey,
            // add all signer ketpairs
            // call .rpc() to sign and send the transaction
        console.log(`Use 'solana confirm -v ${txHash}' to see the logs`);

        // Confirm transaction
        await pg.connection.confirmTransaction(txHash);

        // Fetch the initialised poll account
        const pollAccount = await pg.program.account.poll.fetch(newPoll.publicKey);

        assert(pollAccount.solana.toString(), "0");
        assert(pollAccount.ethereum.toString(), "0");
        assert(pollAccount.polygon.toString(), "0");

The first part of this unittest is to interact with our program:

const txHash = await pg.program.methods
    // instuction name
    // add all accounts used by the instruction
        poll: newPoll.publicKey,
        user: pg.wallet.publicKey,
    // add all signer ketpairs
    // call .rpc() to sign and send the transaction

  • Here we are using the preloaded program (thanks to SolPG) and using the .methods to access all instructions we had defined in the program earlier.
  • The create instruction is accessed in camelCase: .create().
  • We then specify all accounts that the create instruction uses using .accounts(). This includes poll: which is the public key of our newly generated poll account keypair, and user: which is the wallet being used to sign the transaction (and in our case it is the SolPG burner wallet access by pg.wallet).
  • We will now include all signers of the instruction using signers(). Anchor tests by default already includes the user's wallet as a signer so we don't explicitly have to mention it. We will however include the newPoll keypair we generated earlier to instantiate the poll account.
  • Finally we call the .rpc() method to sign and send the transaction. If we were using an extension wallet like Phantom, we would have seen a popup to sign the transaction.

The next part of the unittest is to fetch the instantiated account and do some assertions:

// Confirm transaction
await pg.connection.confirmTransaction(txHash);

// Fetch the initialised poll account
const pollAccount = await pg.program.account.poll.fetch(newPoll.publicKey);

assert(pollAccount.solana.toString(), "0");
assert(pollAccount.ethereum.toString(), "0");
assert(pollAccount.polygon.toString(), "0");

  • We are first using connection.confirmTransaction to ensure that the transaction has been confirmed.
  • The next step is to fetch the instantiated poll account. Here you might notice that we are able to do something like program.account.poll. This is because of the IDL that got generated while deploying are program. It allows anchor to access the structure of the program and its accounts & instructions. We then use .fetch() to fetch the account by mentioning the actual public key of the account which is newPoll.publicKey.
  • Once the poll account is fetched using Anchor, we can access its different data fields that the account owns: solana, ethereum and polygon which represent the number of votes the 3 chains have got respectively. We will however need to convert it into a string as Anchor by default converts integers to BigNum or BN.
  • We finally do the assertions to check if the values are currently 0.

Our unittest file currently looks like this:

// No imports needed: web3, anchor, pg and more are globally available

describe("Test Poll Program", async () => {
  // Generate the poll account
  const newPoll = web3.Keypair.generate();

  it("createPoll", async () => {
    // Send transaction
    const txHash = await pg.program.methods
        poll: newPoll.publicKey,
        user: pg.wallet.publicKey,
    console.log(`Use 'solana confirm -v ${txHash}' to see the logs`);

    // Confirm transaction
    await pg.connection.confirmTransaction(txHash);

    // Fetch the created account
    const pollAccount = await pg.program.account.poll.fetch(newPoll.publicKey);

    assert(pollAccount.solana.toString(), "0");
    assert(pollAccount.ethereum.toString(), "0");
    assert(pollAccount.polygon.toString(), "0");