Seahorse Installation

Before we can start, we need to install some dependancies, including Seahorse.


Language which is used to code Solana programs. Go here to install Rust.

Solana Toolkit

Go here to install Solana and then run solana-keygen new to create a Solana keypair/wallet at the default location. This wallet will be used later for testing our Seahorse programs.


Node.js can be installed by visiting here.


Go here to install Yarn.


Install avm using Cargo. Note this will replace your anchor binary if you had one installed.

cargo install --git avm --locked --force

On Linux systems you may need to install additional dependencies if cargo install fails. E.g. on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config build-essential libudev-dev

Install the latest version of the CLI using avm, and then set it to be the version to use.

avm install latest
avm use latest

Verify the installation.

anchor --version


Seahorse uses rustfmt to help generate better-looking Rust code. Installation instructions here.


Cargo install the seahorse binary:

cargo install seahorse-dev

Verify the installation.

seahorse -V

Now that we've gone past the boring stuff, lets get started with coding our second Solana Program using Seahorse!