Initializing the project

We will initialise the project using the seahorse CLI:

seahorse init counter

This will create a directory counter which will contain a bunch of directories and files with the following structure:

|\_ app
|\_ migrations
|\_ node_modules
|\_ programs
|\_ programs_py
    |\_ seahorse
|\_ target
|\_ tests
  • app: will contain our front-end code
  • programs_py: will contain our Seahorse programs
  • programs: will contain our generated intermediate Rust artifacts for our Seahorse program
  • target: will contain the auto-generates TypeScript types for our program
  • tests: will contain our Anchor tests

Now let's build our seahorse project:

cd counter
seahorse build

This should take some time for the first time, but now you'll notice some generated code in programs/counter/src/ which is the Rust artificat of the code in programs_py/

Let's focus on file in programs_py and edit it to build our program.