
In this section, we will go through building a frontend for the Solana Poll Dapp using React.

Initialise React App

We will use CRA (Create-React-App) to quickly bootstrap our ReactJS application.

  • Install Create React App
npm install -g create-react-app
  • Create new react app
create-react-app poll-app
  • It should take a few seconds to complete the bootstrapping. Once done, you should see Happy hacking! on the console.

  • Enter the poll-app and open it on a text editor like VSCode

cd poll-app
  • You should see the following directory structure
|\_ node_modules
|\_ public
|\_ src
    |\_ App.js
    |\_ App.css
    |\_ index.js
    |\_ index.css
|\_ package-lock.json
|\_ package.json

We will be editing the src/App.js file and puting our frontend code there.

Voila, we can now get started with writing the frontend code!